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Featured Titles
Ignore It!
A Giving Heart
Crazy Stressed
Your Fit Pregnancy
100 Healthiest Foods to eat during pregnancy
The Help Yourself Cookbook for Kids

Michael G Wetter PsyD &
Eileen Bailey

Michael J Bradley, PhD

Catherine Pearlman PhD, LCSW

Erica Willick

Stephanie Corfee

Stefanie Weisman

Susan Borowitz

Regina Leeds

Super Nutrition for Babies

Guy Maddalone

Carol Barash PhD

Dr. Deborah Kennedy

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D &
Dr. Deborah Kennedy

Lisa Holewa & Joan Rice

Cara Thom & Laurie Kocanda

Sara Au and Peter Savinoha, PhD

Family Cooking

Ruby Roth

 Jeannette Bessinger & Tracee Yablon-Brenner

Dreena Burton

Help Yourself Cookbook for Kids

Marina Delio

Lisa Barrangou,  PhD

Stacey Antine, HS, RD

Kelly Rudnicki

Elizabeth Cunningham Herring

Tracy Griffith

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